Immigration Enhanced IT, How Enhanced Is It?

Immigration New Zealand (INZ) is responsible for managing the visa application process for people wanting to visit, study, work or settle in New Zealand. However, the INZ IT systems have been plagued by various issues that have made the visa application process frustrating, time-consuming, and sometimes even impossible. Let's take a closer look at the major shortcomings of the Immigration NZ IT system from the perspective of a licensed immigration adviser at VisaMaxNZ, Bevan O'Connor.

Technical Issues

One of the most significant issues with the INZ IT systems is technical problems, including slow processing times, system outages, and errors in the processing of visa applications. The INZ receives a high volume of visa applications, which can overwhelm the IT systems and cause delays. Unfortunately, applicants and immigration advisers have little control over the technical issues that arise from the INZ IT systems. This can lead to delays in visa processing times, missed opportunities, and additional expenses for applicants.


Due to the high volume of visa applications and the technical issues with the IT systems, there have been significant backlogs in visa processing times, leading to delays for many applicants. This is particularly true for those seeking critical visas like skilled migrant visas, work visas, and student visas. These delays can cause significant stress for applicants and can impact their ability to travel to New Zealand to work, study or visit family.

Lack of Transparency

Some applicants have criticised the lack of transparency in the visa application process, including the inability to track the status of their applications online and the limited information provided by INZ regarding processing times and application requirements. This can be frustrating for applicants who are uncertain about the status of their visa applications, and immigration advisers who need to provide clear advice to clients.

Data Security

With increasing cyberattacks and data breaches on government agencies and businesses, concerns have been raised about the security of personal information collected by the INZ IT systems. Applicants provide sensitive information like passport details, work history, and personal identification numbers, which can be exploited if not properly secured. Data breaches can lead to identity theft and can cause significant stress and financial harm to applicants.

User Experience

Some users have reported difficulty navigating the INZ IT systems and finding the information they need to complete their visa applications. This can be particularly true for those who are unfamiliar with the immigration process or who are applying for a visa for the first time. The complexity of the system and the limited information can lead to mistakes in the application process, further delaying the visa application.


The shortcomings of the Immigration NZ IT system can have significant impacts on visa applicants, immigration advisers, and other stakeholders. Technical issues, backlogs, lack of transparency, data security concerns, and user experience challenges all contribute to the frustration and stress of visa applicants. Addressing these issues and improving the INZ IT systems is critical to providing a better user experience, reducing delays in visa processing times, and ensuring that New Zealand remains an attractive destination for visitors, students, and skilled workers from around the world. At VisaMaxNZ, we are committed to working with our clients and advocating for changes that will benefit everyone involved in the visa application process.

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